Valley Ball Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Roles and Responsibilities

Team Manager - Roles and Responsibilities


The role of a VBHA Team Manager is critical to the success of the coach, players and season.  The main purpose of a Team Manager is to communicate, coordinate and manage the team throughout the season. All matters affecting the team should be communicated through the Team Manager.

The Team Manager serves as a liaison between the Coaches, the Association (VBHA) and the players/parents.  Having a Team Manager allows the Coaching staff to focus on coaching and development of the players.




The association mandates that ALL Team mangers are to complete a criminal record check by April 15th of the current season.  Instructions can be found under the "Managers" tab.  There is no charge for completing this as a volunteer.

VBHA also requires that Team Managers complete the Respect in Sport Program. The Link can be found Under "Managers" tab.  *Upon completion and proof of Certification VBHA will reimburse the cost*

Head Coaches will receive their team lists at the draft which is typically held in March.  The Head Coaches will receive their equipment for the season following the draft.

The Head Coach is expected to email each player within 7 days after the draft to introduce themselves.

Team Managers should obtain their teams "Team Snap" account from the Team Manager Coordinator

Team Managers should obtain player information from the coach and enter this information into their Team Snap account to ensure future communication, practice & game schedules, and event information is easily accessible by all

Head Coach will be given a practice time and venue. Some Head Coaches will prepare a booklet for parents about their coaching style, the equipment needs for players and the expectations for players. (usually for the younger divisions)

Team Manager to email out to the parents, the practice time and venue as well as any other communication from the Head Coach.

It is a good idea for the Team Manager to set the expectations for the team in terms of communication. If a player is going to miss a practice or game they should learn how to use Team Snap to notify the team and coach. If there are any concerns the parents, they should email the Team Manager.


During the Season the TEAM MANAGER is:

Responsible for communicating the practice and game schedule and any related changes.
Responsible for distributing any communications from VBHA to the parents.
Responsible for distributing the Team Photos envelopes and make sure all players are aware of the photo date and time (there are no make-up sessions for team photos).

Valley Ball Hockey supplies referees to run the time clock and keep score. The Home team is responsible for handing in the scoresheet to the scorekeeper with all applicable areas filled out.
Responsible for coordinating team gatherings or social events and a post season wind-up should the Head Coach support this.
Responsible for the communication of water bottle pick up, photos, pub night information wind up and other important league information.

End of Season

The Team Manager is responsible for communicating the Wind-Up Day details.

The Team Manager is responsible for ensuring all jerseys are washed and returned in the container they were provided in at the designated drop off time (UNLESS your team is going to Provincials).
This is very important for the parents; late or un-returned jersey's will result in the jersey deposit being cashed.  Please explain this to the parents.
When handing in your team set of Jerseys please be sure to include a copy of the original team roster with all player JERSEY #'s*
Jersey's - The jerseys are property of VBHA and must be returned in good condition
Parent feedback - Make sure the parents on your team know you are there to answer any questions and help the season run smoothly.

Team Snap now provided by VBHA !

Team Snap the most widely used sporting organization tool is now provided to teams at no cost. Each team will be able to sign up for one account (only) to manage their team.

Board of Directors

Make yourself familiar with the various Board of Directors for VBHA. There are many people there to help should you have questions or feedback from parents to share. Please click ``Contact us`` to better direct you to a board member that can further assist you!   HAVE AN ENJOYABLE SEASON!!







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